
The thrill of loss

The thrill of loss

#Astrology 101

October 31 2020

Tensions have been built up again through the last Mars Rx conjoint with Eris Rx and the now direct moving Jupiter.


Jupiter now nears Pluto and initiating a conjoint for the 3rd time this year.

This conjoint embraces intense growth and aggressive gain among all organic life forms; leading to extreme situations of instability and power shifts. The epidemic is just one part of this event showing large spreads and peak casualties during this conjoint as predicted in November 2019.

The peak impact between the 8th and 12th of November will sign a final event in struggles of power and destruction leaving winners and losers behind moving on to a final judgement in the midst of December.


As for now we have to deal with the upcoming event of the last passage between the two in square to Eris which is adding large competition trades to the scene. Generally we can expect just the same scenario as in Spring and Summer but now we know and practiced its content being asked to solute the situation.


This will be not as easy as it seems since aggravating Aspects haunt the global society increasingly for two month now. Mercury turned Rx in Scorpio turning this energy potential inward while destabilizing the scenery through a opposition to Uranus.


On Monday the 26th of October Moon entered the area of Aries while Mercury moved into a stage of focus on inner balance. Moon unfolded the accumulated tensions of the past weeks unloading onto fragile concepts within societies.

Yet the passage of Mars was of notably aggressive nature showing a high activity of terror, domestic assault and military activities as well as resentment against restrictive measures as a result of restraint.

With the conjoint of Eris Moon unleashed the square to Pluto/Jupiter today by 6 am.

This combination destabilizes matter and construction under the Influence of a T quintile combination between Venus/Uranus Apex Jupiter. This combination decays matter creates loss and tactical gains through a shift of forces in all facets the spectrum of life has to offer.

As Moon moves on it will gain into the stabilizing zone of Taurus by today in the early afternoon hours. The disputes manifest turning into positioning of matters in a defensive but forceful measure.


Since Uranus currently forces strong effects of destabilization in the area the Moon transit shows shifts of stability and positions during this phase. Conflicts can rise as well as tensions meant to allow growth in competition to competing clusters. Generally we can see how once stable assets hollow out or decay altogether being destroyed or shifted between owners.

Territorial conflicts and possessive behavior increase during this phase.

With Moon in transit passing the position of Uranus these measures increase becoming turbulent under influence of the Sun in opposing position enhanced through a hyper active quintile combination to this Full Moon phase.


We may be careful with this full Moon tomorrow 11am (EAT) leaving you unruly or sleepless at night (Eastern Asia, Pacific) and increasingly irritated during the day Americas, Europe, Africa, India and Middle East). Order, change of perception and shifting patterns may change out of the blue (Venus/Eris).




~Christian Hoffmann 10/2020 

@C.T.Definitions 2019 - 2020